Prologues and Short Pieces

Sluzki CE (2020)


De Haene, L & Rousseau, C., Eds.: Working with Refugee Families: Trauma and Exile in Family Relationships. Cambridge UK, Cambridge University Press

Sluzki CE (2017)

The Oak: A painting and its history

Washington Psychiatrist, (Summer Issue) 6(2):11

Sluzki CE (2014)


Alicia Moreno, Ed: Manual de Terapia Sistemica: Principios y herramientas de intervencion. Bilbao, Desclee de Brower.

Sluzki CE (2013)

“Double bind” and “Personal Social Networks”

"Entries in Giorgio Nardone & Alessandro Salvini, Eds.: International Dictionary of Psychotherapies. Rome, Garzanti. ISBN

Sluzki CE (2012)


Perrone, R. (2012): El Sindrome del Angel: Consideraciones acerca de la Violencia. Buenos Aires, Paidos

Sluzki CE (2012)


Ramírez Arellano, A. (2012): Coaching para adictos: Integración y Exclusión Social. Madrid, Editorial Fundacion Atenea

Sluzki CE (2011)

Family-based Psychiatric inpatient services: Avant garde practices in search of evidence-based validation

European Family Therapy Association Newsletter, #6, February

Sluzki CE (2011)

Epistemologies of discussants and of observed therapists

European Family Therapy Association Newsletter, #6, February

Sluzki CE (2009)


Wendel A. Ray, Ed.: Connectedness and Complexity: Selected Papers of Don D. Jackson, Volume 2: Conjoint Family Therapy and Beyond. Phoenix, Zeig, Tucker & Theisen.

Sluzki CE (2008)

On victims and perpetrators

Pagina 12, Psicologia, April 12, 2008

Sluzki CE (2007)


Perrone, R: Violencia y Abuso Sexual en la Familia (Fifth Edition). Buenos Aires, Paidos.

Sluzki CE (2007)


(in Portuguese). Pensando Familia (Brasil), 11(1):41-46, 2007

Sluzki CE (2007)

A tribute to Jay Haley 1923-2007

Journal of Family Therapy (UK), 29(2):97-99

Sluzki CE (2007)

Case Commentary

Psychotherapy Networker, 31(2):85.

Sluzki CE (2006)

Mauricio Goldenberg, M.D. (1916-2006): A major force in Latin American Psychiatry

World Psychiatric Association E-Bulletin, September 2006. And, in Spanish, in Psicoanalisis, 27(3):471-75, 2006

Barenblit V, Sluzki CE (2006)

Pionero de una nueva psiquiatria

Le Monde Diplomatique (in Spanish) VIII (89): 36-37

Sluzki CE (2006)


A.Roizblatt, Ed.: Terapia Familiar y de Pareja. Santiago, Chile and Buenos Aires, Argentina, Mediterraneo , 2006.

Sluzki CE (2005)


Paulina Boss, Loss, Trauma, and Resilience: Therapeutic Work with Ambiguous Loss. New York, W. W. Norton 2005

Sluzki CE (2004)

Research as politics

Dimensions, 7:11, 2004/2005

Sluzki CE (2004)

On Rituals

Family Process e-Forum posted September, 2004

Sluzki CE, Boscolo L, Cecchin G, Bassoli F, Mariotti M, Marzocchi G (2004)

Psychotherapy Training: A round table


Sluzki CE (2004)

Protecting the Health and Welfare of Staff, Victims and Witness: Report of a Seminar at the International Criminal Court. An Introduction

American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 74(4): 571.

Sluzki CE (2004)

Passing the torch (Editorial)

American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 74(4):411-12.

Sluzki CE (2004)

Some thoughts on Cecchin and family therapy

AFTNC Newsletter, March; translated into Spanish in Sistemas Familiares, 20(1-2): 137-38, 2004

Sluzki CE (2004)

Perhaps not Unexpected, Perhaps not Death: A Eulogy for Gianfranco Cecchin (1932-2004)

Family Process, 43(2):143-5, 2004

Sluzki CE (2004)

Will Clytemnestra kill Cassandra? Listen to the next chapter: An (invited) commentary on the journal editor’s farewell Editorial

Family Process Open Forum on line, March 2004

Sluzki CE (2004)

The World Health Organization, the American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, and Research in Third World Countries (Editorial)

American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 74(2), 2004

Sluzki CE (2004)

Paris 1968 Revisited (Editorial)

American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 74(1), 2004

Sluzki CE (2003)

What is in a name (Editorial)

American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 73(3), 2003

Sluzki CE (2003)

Censorship Looming (Editorial)

American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 73(2), 2003

Sluzki CE (2002)

Perhaps just a dream (Editorial)

American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 72(4):467-8, 2002

Sluzki CE (2002)

Seeding violence in the mind of children (Ediorial)

American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 72 (1): 2002 (translated into Spanish in Perspectivas Sistemicas, 14(1) 2002)

Sluzki CE (2001)

Bridging two continents: An AFTA-EFTA plenary session

AFTA Newsletter, 2001

Sluzki CE (2001)

Clinical research and the Third World (Editorial)

American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 71(3):276-7, 2001

Sluzki CE (2001)

Drug-Company Influence on Medical Education in the USA (Editorial)

American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 70(2):148-9, 2001

Sluzki CE (2000)


M. Mariotti and R. Frison: Relazioni Terapeutiche e Adolescenti Multiproblematici. Milano: FrancoAngeli, 2000.

Sluzki CE (2000)


Mosaico (Spain), 14:33-39, 1999 and Campo Grupal (Argentina), 3 (17): 2, 2000

Sluzki CE (1999)

Salutation (Editorial)

American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 1999

Sluzki CE (1999)

In Memoriam Mara Selvini Palazzoli

Family Process, 38(4): 1999

Cobb S, Sluzki CE (1999)


Diez, F. and Tapia, G.: Mediacion: Experiencias y Aportes Conceptuales. Buenos Aires, Paidos, 1999

Sluzki CE (1998)


Dabas, E.: Redes Sociales, Familias y Escuela. Buenos Aires, Paidos, 1998 (in Spanish)

Bloch DA, Sluzki CE (1998)

An appreciation of Edgar H. Auerswald

Family Systems and Health, 6(3): 309314, 1998

Sluzki CE (1998)

On Child Sexual Abuse

(Editorial) The Bulletin - A Journal of Berkshire Medical Center, 2(4): 1,1989.

Sluzki CE (1997)


J. Droeven, ed.: Mas Alla de Pactos y Traiciones: Construyendo el Dialogo Terapeutico. Buenos Aires, Paidos, 1997.

Sluzki CE (1997)


M.Auspitz and D.Wang: De Terapias y Personas: El Encuentro, un Enfoque Humanistico. Buenos Aires, Eudeba, 1997.

Sluzki CE (1996)

John Weakland, timid guru

Psychotherapy Networker, 1996

Sluzki CE (1996)


French edition of S. Minuchin and M. Nichols: Family Healing: Strategies for Hope and Understanding. Paris, ESF Editeur, 1996.

Sluzki CE (1996)


“Simulation of a therapy session”, Chapter 1; Discussion-conclusion to “Systems, evolution, change”, Chapter 4 (in French) in M.Elkaim & E.Trappeniers, Eds.: Etapes d’une Evolution: Approche Systemique et Therapie Familiale. Paris, Privat, 1993 (translated into Spanish: La Terapia Familiar en Transformacion. Buenos Aires, Paidos, 1998);

Sluzki CE, Cecchin G, Jimenez J (pp. 281-86 of English edition) and Goulishian H, Guattari F and Sluzki CE (pp.217-228) (1995)


In D. F. Schnitman (ed.): New Paradigms, Culture and Subjectivity, book published in Spanish, Portuguese, and English, respectively, by Buenos Aires, Paidos, 1995; Porto Alegre, Artes Medicas, 1996; and Hampton Press, 2001

Sluzki CE (1995)


G.Demicheli M.: Comunicacion en Terapia Familiar Sistemica: Bosquejo de una Epistemologia Cibernetica. Valparaiso, Chile, U of Valparaiso Press, 1995 (in Spanish)

Sluzki CE (1994)


M. Andolfi and R. Haber, Eds.: Please Help Me With This Family: Using Consultants as Resources in Family Therapy. New York: Brunner/Mazel, 1994

Sluzki CE (1993)

Case Commentary 2

Short piece in The Family Therapy Networker, June 1993; and in R.Simon, L.Markowitz, C.Barrilleaux, B.Topping, Eds.: The Art of Psychotherapy: Case Studies from the Family Therapy Networker. New York, Wiley & Sons, 1999.

Sluzki CE (1992)

Um dialogo com a America Latina

(in Portuguese) Nova Perspectiva Sistemica, 1(2), 1992

Sluzki CE (1992)

The lung in context

(Editorial), The Bulletin - A Journal of Berkshire Medical Center, V(2): 1, 1992.

Sluzki CE (1992)


R. Casabianca & H. Hirsch: Como Equivocarse Menos en Terapia. Santa Fe (Argentina), Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Press, 1992.

Sluzki CE (1992)


B. Furman & T. Ahola: Solution Talk: Hosting Therapeutic Conversations. New York: WW Norton, 1992

Sluzki CE (1991)


H.v.Foerster: Las Semillas de la Cibernetica. Barcelona, Gedisa, 1991 (in Spanish)

Sluzki CE (1991)

Donald A. Bloch, Ambassador Extraordinaire

Family Therapy News 22(4):5, 1991

Sluzki CE (1991)


F. Walsh & M. McGoldrick, “Living beyond Loss: Death in the Family. New York: WW Norton, 1991. Part of this foreword was also published in Family Systems Medicine, 9(1): 1-3, 1991. Translated into Spanish as “Donde tiene lugar la cura?” en Alternativas en Psicoterapia, 1(2), 1991.

Sluzki CE (1990)


M. Nichols and R. Schwartz: Family Therapy. New York: Allyn & Bacon, 1990

Sluzki CE (1990)


P. Busso & P. Stradoni: Come Communicate Cogli Altri: Visione Binoculare e Complessita. Torino: Sonda, 1990.

Sluzki CE (1990)

Traveling Through the Tunnel of Time: The Berkshire Medical Journal

The Bulletin - Journal of Berkshire Medical Center III(3): 5, 1990.

Sluzki CE, Wynne LC (1990)


Family Process, 29(2) (Supl.: Cumulative Index 1962-1986), 3-5, 1990

Kantor D, Okun BF, Bloch DA, Penn P, Scarf M, Sluzki CE (1989)


Joint chapter in D. Kantor & B.Okun (eds.): Intimate Environments: Sex, Intimacy and Gender in Families. New York: Guilford, 1989.

Sluzki CE (1988)


Foreword to N. Bendersky: Es posible disfrutar el matrimonio? Buenos Aires: Nueva Vision, 1988(in Spanish)

Sluzki CE (1988)

Several entries In J.C. Benoit et al.: Le Dictionnaire Clinique des Therapies Familiales Systemiques, Paris

Editions Sociales Francaises, 1988 (in French)

Sluzki CE (1988)

Constructivism Applied. Commentary II

The Family Therapy Networker, 12(5): 79-81, 1988.

Sluzki CE (1987)

Mapping the journey over twenty-five years (Editorial)

Family Process, 26 (149-52), 1987.

Sluzki CE (1985)


Marsha P. Mirkin & Stuart L. Koman, (eds.): Handbook of Adolescents and Family TherapyNew York: Gardner, 1985.

Sluzki CE (1985)


John Schwartzman, (ed.): Macro-Systemic Approaches to Family Therapy New York: Guilford Press, 1985.

Sluzki CE (1981)

On Sharing Marital problems with the Children

Short chapter in L.H. Gross, ed.: The Parents' Guide to Teenagers, New York: MacMillan, 1981.

Sluzki CE (1977)

“Communicacion” and “Familia”

(in Spanish) Entries in: G. Vidal, H. & Bleichmar, R.H. Usandivaras, (eds.): Enciclopedia de Psiquiatria, Buenos Aires: El Ateneo, 1977. (in Spanish)

Sluzki CE (1970)


P. Watzlawick, J. H. Beavin & D. D. Jackson: Teoria de la Comunicacion Humana, (Pragmatics of Human Communication) Buenos Aires: Tiempo Contemporaneo, 1970. (A revised prologue has been included in the new edition, Barcelona: Herder, 1982) (in Spanish).

Sluzki CE (1969)


G.Bateson: Metalogues. Buenos Aires: Tiempo Contemporaneo, 1969 (in Spanish).

Sluzki CE (1967)

Conference on the Etiology of Schizophrenia: A Report

Acta Psiquiat. Psicol. Amer. Lat., 1967, 13, 187-196 and 1967, 13, 293-4. (in Spanish)

Sluzki CE (1966)

Gregory Bateson and his Metalogues

Acta Psiquiat. Psicol. Amer. Lat, 12:188-89, 1966.