The Presence of the Absent: Therapy with Families with Ghosts
Author: Sluzki CE

(2012): Presence of the Absent: Therapy with Families with Ghosts (in English), Routledge, 2015.

La Presencia de la Ausencia: Terapia con Familias y Fantasmas
Author: Sluzki CE

(2012): La Presencia de la Ausencia: Terapia con Familias y Fantasmas (In Spanish), Argentina, Gedisa.

La Présence de L'absent: Réalisme Magique en Thérapie Familiale
Author: Sluzki CE

(2012): La Présence de L'absent: Réalisme Magique en Thérapie Familiale (in French) Paris, DeBoeck, 2016

Shame and Humiliation: A Dialogue between Psychoanalytic and Systemic Approaches
Authors: Bigliani CG, Moguillanski R, Sluzki CE

(2011): Shame and Humiliation: A Dialogue between Psychoanalytic and Systemic Approaches. Sao Paulo, Zagodoni Editora (in Portuguese) and Karnak, London, 2013.

Humillación y Vergüenza: Un diálogo entre enfoques sistémicos y psicoanalíticos
Authors: Bigliani CG, Moguillansky R, Sluzki CE

(2022): Humillacion y Vergüenza: Un Dialogo entre enfoques sistemicos y psicoanaliticos. Second edition: Buenos Aires, Glova, 2022
Sluzki CE (2022)
Les histoires bien formées: Vers l’orientation et evaluation des transformations narratives en thérapie.
Cahiers critiques de therapie familale et de pratiques de reseaux. 2(69):73-82
Sluzki CE (2022)
Another loop of the spiral: A re-examination of 18 manualized prescriptions from 1979
Chapter 2 in Mariotti M, Saba G & Stratton,P, Eds.: Handbook of Systemic Approaches to Therapy Manuals: Integrating Research, Practice and Training. Cham, Switzerland, Springer (European Family Therapy Association Series)
Sluzki CE (2019)
How, of all the millions of people…: Reexamination of a question from an early MRI research project
Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 45(2), 323-336. DOI: 10.1111/jmft.12320
Sluzki CE (2019)
El grupo terapéutico como ‘banda de hermanos’: Una visión desde la óptica de la red social personal.
Chapter in Diaz Sanfeliu, L, Ed.: Lo Grupal en el Siglo XXI. Madrid, SEGPA
Sluzki CE (2010)
Personal social networks and health: Conceptual and clinical implications of their reciprocal impact
Family Systems and Health, 28(1): 1-18
De Haene, L & Rousseau, C., Eds.: Working with Refugee Families: Trauma and Exile in Family Relationships. Cambridge UK, Cambridge University Press
The Oak: A painting and its history
Washington Psychiatrist, (Summer Issue) 6(2):11
Alicia Moreno, Ed: Manual de Terapia Sistemica: Principios y herramientas de intervencion. Bilbao, Desclee de Brower.
“Double bind” and “Personal Social Networks”
"Entries in Giorgio Nardone & Alessandro Salvini, Eds.: International Dictionary of Psychotherapies. Rome, Garzanti. ISBN
Family-based Psychiatric inpatient services: Avant garde practices in search of evidence-based validation
European Family Therapy Association Newsletter, #6, February